Reweaving Community And Well-Being From Ancestral Medicinal Plants. A Visit To Tanya Gluvakov ‘s Workshop
Feature Article Toronto, Canada It was noon, a cloudy day at the beginning of November at Black Creek Pioneer Village, a place that seems frozen in the times of 1860 and that highlights an invaluable cultural heritage in Toronto. It is a village that seeks to rebuild Toronto’s history through collective memory and the importance […]
Lenguaje ancestral de la arquitectura
Lenguaje ancestral de la arquitectura. Una aproximación al templo Kággaba y a la maloca Ufaina en Colombia. Autor: Alejandra Jiménez Editorial: Environment and Technology Foundation. Revista: Mimesis jsad Fecha de publicacion: 2021 Introducción La arquitectura ancestral ha estado desde tiempos inmemoriales como guía y ejemplo para el devenir de la humanidad. Instruye, presenta y rememora […]
Tejiendo memorias del Abya Yala
Enlazando Raíces: Tejiendo memoria e historias de la cultura Abya Yala desde la creación transmedia. Enlazando Raíces es una asociación colombiana sin ánimo de Lucro dedicada a crear y producir proyectos artísticos, investigativos y pedagógicos transmedia sobre las culturas ancestrales y las comunidades multiespecies en Colombia, por ahora, pero con meta de llevarlo a todo […]
Ancestral Pedagogical Tools for a Different Education in Canada and Colombia
It is a fact that Indigenous People in the American continent have experienced a variety of colonization situations over the years, particularly in the education field, provoking oppression, segregation, and cultural genocide. However, examples in Colombia and Canada show a resounding call for reconciliation and empowerment from participatory actions that embrace ancestral wisdom, strengthening and […]